
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome 2012!

So I realize I am a little late in welcoming the new year this year (Kids caught a virus and so did my computer!) But better late than never right?! With the New Year of course it's always a reminder of the year that waits ahead and the one that has already passed.
A lot has changed in the past year for me and for my family. My husband graduated school, we moved from the arctic tundra that is Rexburg, Idaho to warm and sunny Chandler, AZ. My husband started his career in the construction industry and I started Victorian Swag.
We can't help but feel incredibly blessed for all that we've been given this year and look forward to and make plans for the one ahead. This year our family started a new tradition. A half hour before midnight we share with oneanother the goals we made the previous year and our ups and downs then we write new ones and after the stroke of midnight (and all the kissing) we share our goals for that year ahead while drinking sparkling cider.
And so Here are my goals for the year 2012:
1. Run a half marathon
2. Have my jewelry in at least three boutiques
3. Have my youngest potty trained (fingers crossed)


  1. Your work is always so gorgeous. Good luck with your goals, I am sure you will easily reach them.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you all so much! I've really been working hard to come up with new designs!

  3. Big changes for you last year! Best of luck achieving your 2012 goals - I'm sure you'll do it no problem!

  4. I'm a runner too! But, a much older one with knees that can no longer do more than about 5 miles on the streets. Give me trails, though, and I'm golden! Best of luck with your goal of running a half. Do you have one in mind yet? Have you started training? Must be hard with the little ones!

    1. I trained for the Seattle half two years ago but sprained my ankle the night before! As for the little ones I bought a Bob running stroller for training for the first one! Havent started training yet but will soon!

  5. Best wishes with your goals! Great goals to aim for!

    I used to live in Idaho Falls, ID. I keep wanting to go back and then question why I'd want to go back to all the snow. LOL.

    Krystal -
    Following from promotional frenzy

  6. Well, I think the potty training is a sure fire thing! The rest is all up to you and I know you can do it! Enjoy the sunshine!

  7. That's a big change in location. Your items are beautiful and so is your blog.

  8. What a wonderful set of traditions! I'm still working on the potty training with my little one too. Seems its more of a process then an event, for us at least :)

  9. Great goals that are clear and achievable (I hope :) I'm also trying to start a new tradition, which is get my parents and in-laws to celebrate one holiday a year together! Is that too much to ask?

  10. woho on the half marathon! well all of them are good but the half marathon is particularly impressive.
